Tuesday, April 5, 2011

*** March like a LION or LAMB***

March was a very BUSY month Hayleigh had her 11th Birthday with family dinner at Chuckorama and ice cream from Farr's with a surprise of a new "BEACH CRUISER" her old find from OKI is total rust bucket and bald tires and I hope that LULU will get as many miles as her old one minus the sand and humidity..... Next was Baby Cakes big day to wear her BEAUTIFUL dress and get a BEAUTIFUL blessing from her DADDY, she looked like a little angel all I kept thinking is how lucky she is to have so many people here and on the other side that are looking over her....

Next was Hunnas big day to wear her BEAUTIFUL dress and have the date of her life...wow I can't believe what it takes to prepare for this dance. I told her date that he owed his mom and myself dinner for all of the running around we did. And yes I was giving her blessings as well to not spill on her dress or fall off the side walk!

So at this point I just want to say that APRIL is all mine, and it started off great...I got to spend all day April 1 with Dublin. We went to lunch with Uncle Catfish and even had a mani/pedi and boy did she look adorable........